We’ll help you obtain flight permits to comply with every Philippine airport’s landing requirements.
Philippines Entry-Exit Permit
Permit requirements for landing vary by country and type of business aircraft operation. While documentation and lead-time requirements are fairly standard at many locations, they can be more challenging at others.
We’ll help you confirm latest permit document requirements and procedures well in advance of your trip. Should permit requirements change, and at certain locations you’ll need to provide non-standard documentation and/or allow for longer lead times, we’ll help you get through the nitty-gritty.
Overflight Permits
When dealing with the world of overflight permits, it’s important that you understand all requirements and restrictions.
Once you determine that you’ll be overflying in Philippine airspaces, you’ll need to adhere to particular requirements like permit lead times, necessary information or documentation, and Flight Information Regions (FIRs), among other concerns. It’s important to review the entire routing against flight charts to ensure you do not miss any necessary permits.
Domestic Flight Permit
We can help you secure flight permits, land or make a technical stop in a Philippine airport to other Philippine aerodromes.
We’ll help you gain authorization to land at a given airport in the Philippines, and in addition, confirm that there are no safety or noise objections to your aircraft type, and no commercial objection if you are operating the non-revenue flight (Private).
Foreign Air Operator Certificate (FAOC)
We cater scheduled airliners and non-schedule charter flight operators obtain FAOC initial and renewal certification.
Operators who plan to operate scheduled commercial flights and non-schedule charter flights in and out in any Philippine airports will require FAOC validation with the Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines. This is not an additional burden for the operators, as this is an additional line of safety and security for both local and international commercial air carriers. We will help you fly in legal ways and avoid any inconvenience.
CAB Charter Permit
Air transportation’s economic side is regulated by CAB (Civil Aeronautics Board). Issuance of the permit should have the approval from the House of Congress, and the final approval, that of the President of the Philippines, for it authorizes a foreign air carrier to engage in foreign air transportation services – FACP (Foreign Air Carrier’s Permit).

Island Aviation Inc., 2/F A. Soriano Hangar, Andrews Avenue, Pasay City
+63 9171445858 / +63 9175091095

Island Aviation Inc., 2/F A. Soriano Hangar, Andrews Avenue, Pasay City, PHILIPPINES
+63 9171445858 / +63 9175091095