If you need permission to overfly within Philippine FIR, we’ll be more than happy to assist you.

When dealing with the world of overflight permits, it’s important that you understand all requirements and restrictions.

Once you determine that you’ll be overflying in Philippine airspaces, you’ll need to adhere to particular requirements like permit lead times, necessary information or documentation, and Flight Information Regions (FIRs), among other concerns. It’s important to review the entire routing against flight charts to ensure you do not miss any necessary permits.

Island Aviation Inc., 2/F A. Soriano Hangar, Andrews Avenue, Pasay City

+63 9171445858 / +63 9175091095

Island Aviation Inc., 2/F A. Soriano Hangar, Andrews Avenue, Pasay City, PHILIPPINES

+63 9171445858 / +63 9175091095